DefenceSynergia Commentary On Deteriorating Situation Vis-a-vis NATO and USA Relations
DefenceSynergia (DS) has been watching with horror the USA's position on geo-political affairs rapidly change the established paradigms, the fallout being to unlink the US from its former European, Canadian and possibly Australian allies. This major change in trust in the USA is the result, whether deliberate or not, of the current incumbent of the White House and his cabinet not realising that they had actually won the Defence Funding argument, which seemed to be President Trump’s primary gripe about European and Canadian NATO.
Alas the White House few could not stop themselves preening on the world stage so instead of taking stock, invoking diplomacy, and bringing their allies with them, they chose to bully, coerce, lecture, and bulldoze their interlocutors into ‘respect’ like a bunch of Chicago gangsters! And the primary targets of this ‘newspeak’ were any nation or individual that they viewed as weaker than themselves! Not least Ukraine, which in a U-turn of breathtaking verbal deftness, the President and Vice President of the USA accuse of starting the war – not Russia!!
Enter Russia, another bullying nation that uses similar and worse tactics, including assassination, false flag, espionage, and actual warfare to achieve its aims. However, Russia of course is too strong for the brave ‘carpet baggers’ of the White House to confront. Therefore, instead of truth, we are asked to believe that there is a newly found respect among these strong men. This has led to the former Deputy Head of NATO, Gen Sir Richard Shirreff, in an online video[1], to call President Trump ‘Mr Putin’s useful idiot’.
© Chatham House - Lt Gen Sir Richard Shirreff
DS fully agree with Sir Richard, who is one of UK’s foremost Strategic Defence thinkers. He tells us in the video that in the short term the trust between NATO and the USA, built over the past 80 years, has now gone, albeit it may be retrievable in the future under a different US administration.
Sir Richard’s message to the UK, Europe and Canada is that we collectively have the expertise, skill and finances to fill the capability and capacity gaps left by the withdrawal of US Forces. But UK and the new NATO must act now, because it takes time to recruit and train!
Without Fighting capacity there is no deterrent to protect the nation.
[1]Video Link © The Times Radio - Gen Sir Richard Shirreff Video Interview